Grade 1 PE Module 3: First Quarter 0ct19-23 Week 3 (In English)

 Physical Education

Moving with Self-confidence

Sa Mag-aaral (To the Student)

Good day! I am happy because I can be with you in learning Module 3 of PE 1. This was done so that you can be confident and have self-confidence in action/movement.

I hope you enjoy and become self- confident in your movements. Are you ready?

Mga Angay Matun-an (What we need to Learn)

Before we start, I want to know if you can:

1. Perform a simple action/movement.

2. Perform with coordination of movement of different body parts in different directions.

3. Show value in daily activities.

Acting/Moving with Self-confidence

Each part of the body exhibits a different function. Mosy of its functions are reaching, stepping, reacting, stretching, and bending.

Simple body movements can be done in different directions. Body parts can be moved left, right, up and down. If we move our body parts in different directions, we can improve our ability to perform by warm-up activities.

Sulayan Nato (Let's Try This)

Do the following.

Pagsusi (Taking a closer look)


1. What body parts did you use a while ago?

2. What did you do with your head? What did you do with your feet?

3. In what direction did you tilt your head? In what direction did you swing your feet?

Tun-an Nato (Let's Learn This)

You answered the questions. Now, let us deepen your knowledge.

Move your body in the different directions.

1. Taas (Up) = Raise your hands.

2. Ubos (Down) = Reach down with your hands.

3. Wala (Left) = Step to the left.

4. Tuo (Right) = Turn your head to the right.

Buhaton Nato (Let's Do This)

Do the following actions/movements.

1. Reach down to your toes and raise your hands above your head (8 counts).

2. Tread your foot to the left and to the right (8 counts).

Timan-an Nato ( Let Us Note)

1. Common in simple movements are reaching, stepping, pulling, and bending.

2. Each part of the body can perform a movement based on different directions.

3. You can move it to the left, right, up and down.

Buhaton Nato ( Let's Do This)

Place a circle on the blank if the action shows a simple body movement.

1. Turn around

2. Tumbling

3. Stand

4. Lying

5. Stepping

6. Diving

7. Swing your arms.

8. Split


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