Grade 1 ESP Module 1: First Quarter Oct 5-9 Week 1 (in English)

LESSON 1: Knowing Oneself Learning Skills: Recognizing One's Own Likes, Interests, and Potential Things to Do Just like you, all children have individual preferences, interests, potential. Often you want to show and share your interests and potential with other children. It's nice to show off your skills to other people for this is a gift the Lord has given you to share with other children just like yourself. You may enjoy sharing your interests with others and sometimes you will be frustrated by things you cannot do. It just shows that every child has feelings of emotions like joy, anxiety, fear and so on. LEARN It! Take a look at the pictures below. Learn what these pictures are showing. To Improve Your Potential Activity 1 Question: Which pictures show something that you are capable of doing? Which pictures show something that you are interested in or like doing? Circle your answer. Activity 2 Fill in the blanks by writing down the missing information. I am _____________...