Grade 1 Art Module 5: First Quarter Nov9-13Week 6(In English)

Grade 1 Art Module Week 6, First Quarter SY 2020-21 Using the Water Color to Draw Yourself Kat-oni Kini (We Will Learn) Before we begin, let us examine the goals or objectives of our lesson which are as follows: 1. Learn how to use water color. 2. Value how water color is used. 3. Paint a beautiful house and paint your family inside it. Pasiuna (Introduction) Drawing is an expression of emotions/feelings and an innate/natural act of a child. Here, they express their imagination, feelings, beliefs, and ideas. In drawing, there are a variety of things we can use like pencils, crayons, charcoal, sinamay (abaca fibre), leaves, sap from a tree and most of all, water color. The use of water color is a method of painting in which the paints used are made of pigments in a water-based solution. Sulayi Kini (Let's Try This) Look, Identify and Picture. Instructions: Look at the picture and identify the colors used in the picture. Write your answer in the box. Pagtuki (Let's Analyze) Gui...