Grade 1 Art Module 5: First Quarter Nov9-13Week 6(In English)


Grade 1 Art Module

Week 6, First Quarter

SY 2020-21

Using the Water Color to Draw Yourself

Kat-oni Kini (We Will Learn)

Before we begin, let us examine the goals or objectives of our lesson which are as follows:

1. Learn how to use water color.

2. Value how water color is used.

3. Paint a beautiful house and paint your family inside it.

Pasiuna (Introduction)

Drawing is an expression of emotions/feelings and an innate/natural act of a child. Here, they express their imagination, feelings, beliefs, and ideas.

In drawing, there are a variety of things we can use like pencils, crayons, charcoal, sinamay (abaca fibre), leaves, sap from a tree and most of all, water color. The use of water color is a method of painting in which the paints used are made of pigments in a water-based solution.

Sulayi Kini (Let's Try This)

Look, Identify and Picture.

Instructions: Look at the picture and identify the colors used in the picture. Write your answer in the box.

Pagtuki (Let's Analyze)

Guiding Questions:

1. What do you think was used to color the picture?

2. Were the colors clear? Yes or No

Tun-i Kini ( Let us Learn)

Use of Water Color to Draw Yourself

Water color is one of the tools used to create a drawing. It will also give beauty and life to what you draw. You/People can see more beauty and creativity in your artworks using water color.

How to Use Water Color

Things needed: water and brush

How to use (methods):

1. Wet the brush with water.

2. Put the brush on the color that you would like to use.

3. Swirl the brush on the color so the color sticks on the brush.

4. Now you can color your drawing.

If you want to mix colors to create a different color, follow this:
Red 🟥 + Yellow 🟨= Orange 🟧
Blue 🟦 + Yellow 🟨= Green 🟩
Red 🟥 + Blue 🟦= Purple 🟪

Buhata Kini (Do This) 

Using water color, draw a beautiful house and draw your family inside the house. Make sure to show your creativity.

Hinumdumi Kini ( Remember This)

1. To use water color, you will need water and brush.

How to use:

1. Wet the brush with water.

2. Put the brush on the color you want to use.

3. Swirl/stir the brush on the color so the color will stick on the brush.

4. Now, you can color your drawing.

2. Using the primary colors, you can make a secondary color.

Pagsukod sa Nakat-onan (Testing What We've Learned) 

A. Instructions: Write the correct answer.

1. What painting material do you need a brush and water for?

2. Arrange the methods of using water color by placing the numbers 1-4.

_____After you can use the water color to color your drawing.

_____Wet the brush with the water.

_____Mix the brush so the colors sticks on the brush.

_____Place the brush on the color you want to use.


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