Grade 1 Music Module 3: First Quarter 0ct19-23 Week 3 (In English)


Steady Beats (Padayon nga Pulso)

To the Students:

Good morning kids! How are you today? Who among you likes to sing? Or likes to play a musical instrument? Today we have a new lesson that will encourage you to use your hidden ability.

This module will guide you to study an elementbof rhythm called steady beats or continous pulse in a piece or song according to an exact rhythm of 2's. 

Tun-i Kini (Study This)

Before we begin, I want to know what you know about one element of rhythm and what we need to:

1. Discuss the concept of steady beats.

2. Show enthusiasm to perform tasks.

3. Performing tasks using hands, feet, and musical instruments accompanying the rhythm of 2's.


Lesson 3: Steady Beats

Many children love to sing, dance, or play but do not know correct timing/rhythm of the music. If the child has the ability, it should be developed so thay he can use it in the future. It is the parent's and teacher's responsibility to teach and shape the child (raise) to the best of their ability.

For example, the timing/rhythm of the song or pulse also needs to be studied and practiced to adapt to the song. The steady beat or pulse of music is an element of rhythm that a musician needs. So kids, even at a young age, it is bettee for you to learn the concept of steady beats of music so that you can practice until you grow up.

Let's start the activities. Tty to do the taskc in jusy a few minutes.

Sulayan ta Kini (Let's Try This)

Sing and Do! 

Materials needed: pictures, things, and musical instruments.

Directions: Let's sing the song. So that we can get the tone of the song, sing it first by using the sofa-syllables 'so, mi, la' found at the bottom of the notes then sing again but this time use the words of the song found below each sofa-syllable. Remember this note   has 1 measure and this notevis equivalent to 1 measure but it is fast paced.

Follow the directions:

1. Clap your hands for each syllable or word with a note.

2. Stomp your foot and sing according to the rhythm of the group of 2's.

3. Play the instrument according to the rhythm of the group of 2's.

Pagtuki (Let's analyze)

Guiding questions:

1. Is it nice to hear the song with its rhythm using the hands, feet and musical instruments?

a. Yes, singnificantly.

b. No, not significantly.

c. Ok lang.

2. Is it important that we learn the rhythm of music?

a. Yes, important.

b. No, it is not important.

c. Okey lang

Tun-an Ta (Let's Learn This)

An Element of Rhythm

Steady Beats

Pulse/Beat- this is an element of rhythm usually referred to as time signaturenof a song or musical piece.

Steady Beat (padayon nga pulso)- refers to the musical timing/tempo and goes throughout the song until it ends.

-this is the foundation and propertt of music

-it does not change, does not move and will rotate to 2's, 3's and 4's.

Buhaton Nato Kini (Let's Do This)

Sing and Play: Using the notes, sing and play. Follow the musical piece below.

Hinumdomi Kini (Remember This)

1. Pulso (pulse)- this is an elementbof rhythm commonly referred to as the time signaturebof music.

2. Padayon nga Pulso (steady beats)- this is what we call the beat that only ends when the song ends. This is the foundation and property of music. It does not move, does not change, it just repeats itself.

3.  2/4 is the symbol for musical timing of 2's.

4. 🎼 2/4 is the symbol called staff where the measure of the time signature and the notes can be seen. 


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