Grade 1 ESP Module 1: First Quarter Oct 5-9 Week 1 (in English)

 LESSON 1: Knowing Oneself

Learning Skills: Recognizing One's Own Likes, Interests, and Potential

Things to Do

Just like you, all children have individual preferences, interests, potential. Often you want to show and share your interests and potential with other children. It's nice to show off your skills to other people for this is a gift the Lord has given you to share with other children just like yourself.

You may enjoy sharing your interests with others and sometimes you will be frustrated by things you cannot do. It just shows that every child has feelings of emotions like joy, anxiety, fear and so on.


Take a look at the pictures below. Learn what these pictures are showing. 

To Improve Your Potential

Activity 1

Question: Which pictures show something that you are capable of doing? Which pictures show something that you are interested in or like doing? Circle your answer.

Activity 2

Fill in the blanks by writing down the missing information.

I am _______________________________. I am ______ years old. I like _________________________________. (write down an activity you like doing)

Activity 3

Think of all the things you want or like to do. Draw it below.

To Master Your New Skill

Write a CHECK (/) if the sentence reflects your likes or interests and an X if it does not.

_____1. I want to master my skills or talents for myself.

_____2. I enjoy singing in front of people.

_____3. I am ashamed to show my talent.

_____4. I know how to play the piano and I taught my classmate who wanted to learn how to play.

_____5. I participated in a singing contest at our school.

Things to Bear in Mind

It is but natural for children like yourself to aspire to do work that is orderly and beautiful. However, there are tasks you may not be able to do given your young age. 

Do not despair. If there is something you want to do that you know you cannot do, do not hesitate to ask for help. As you grow, you will learn.


Make it a habit and a part of your life to keep clean at all times. Always wash your hands and always wear a face mask when going out in public.


Learning Skills: Recognizing One's Own Weaknesses and Feelings or Emotions

Things to Do

As the old saying goes, "No one is perfect." 

There are tasks that you cannot do because you are still young. Do not lose hope. The important thing is that you train to stregthen your weaknesses.


Take a look at the pictures below. These show activities that children, like you, like to do. How would you feel if you could do all the things you like or want to do?

Let's Improve Your Potential

Activity 1

Take a look at the pictures. These show activities that children, like yourself, like to do. Which among these have you not tried doing? 

Put a CHECK (/) on the picture that shows an activity you have not done yet.

Activity 2

Draw pictures of the things you are still not able to do. Color them.

Activity 3

Draw a SMILEY FACE 🙂 on the blank if the picture shows an activity that strengthens your weaknesses and a SAD FACE ☹ if it does not.






To Master Your New Skill

How would you feel if you were in these situations?

Draw a SMILEY FACE 🙂 on the blank if you feel joy when reading the sentences and a SAD FACE ☹ if not.

_____1. You joined a singing contest and you won.

_____2. You are about to be called to give or recite your poem.

_____3. You did not win any award at a singing contest.

_____4. Your dad taught you to play the guitar.

_____5. Your mom forces you to sing infront of your grandparents.

*Photos from


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