Grade 1 Music Module 1: First Quarter Oct 5-9 Week 1 (In English)


To the Student

Good day! How are you? This module was designed to help you learn about sound and voice recognition, silence and rhythm by making, creating, listening, watching and responding to the tasks provided in this module.

One of our aims is to enhance your knowledge and skill in Music by singing songs prepared in this module. I hope you have fun and I hope you will learn from the tasks and challenges found in this module. Good luck!

We Will Learn

Before we proceed, let us enumerate the learning objectives of this lesson. The learning objectives are the following:

1. Comparing a combination of sound and silence.

2. To give importance to the various things that produce sound.

3. Clapping, kicking/stomping/tapping, singing, and playing a musical instrument while singing at the same time.

Are you ready? Now, let's start learning.


Lesson 1: Rhythm: Combining Sound and Silence

Rhythm or ritmo is part of our language. Rhythm is the combination of sound and silence within a rhythmic pattern. 

Sound is any tone or auditory impression that we hear such as the chirping from the birds or other sounds coming from animals, sounds/voices from people, sounds from various things around us, from nature and even sounds we ourselves make like clapping and stomping and so on using the different parts of our body.

On the other hand, as long as there is silence, no sound or noise can be heard.

We can now begin with the lesson. Remember to give your best in the following tasks. 

Let's Try It

Let's follow!

Instructions: There are 2 tasks below. It's fun to imitate and follow. You can ask your parents or siblings to help you with these tasks.

1. Imitate the sounds coming from these different things.

๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿ„ Cow (baka)- moo-moo

๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿˆ Cat (pusa/iring)- meow-meow

๐Ÿ””๐Ÿ›Ž Bell- kling-kling

๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿ•ŠBird(ibon/langgam)- tweet-tweet

๐Ÿฅ     Drum- boom-boom

๐Ÿ’จ๐ŸƒWind (hangin)- ssssshhhhhh

2. Do these motion gestures on the third return.

๐Ÿ‘ Clap (palakpak/pakpak)

๐Ÿฆถ Stomp (padyak/tindak)

๐Ÿ—ฃ Shout (sigaw/syagit)

๐Ÿ‘ Open Palms (ibuka ang palad)

๐Ÿง‍♂️ Stand Upright (tayo/tindog og tarong)

How are you kids? Did you guys have fun with the activities?

Good! Do not worry if you do not do the correct thing. Now, we will further improve your knowledge to better understand the task.


Children, now you know the different sounds of things. Now, let us examine what you have learned so far by answering the questions below.

Directions: Circle the letter of the correct answer to the following questions.

1. Why are the sounds of things so different?

a. Things sound different because they are made the same way.

b. The sound of things vary so they can be recognized/identified easily.

c. The sounds are not different because they are all the same.

2. Can we gesture or make movements silently? Why?

a. Yes we son for it also conveys a message.

b. No we cannot since no sound will be heard.

c. Yes we can, when needed.

Study this!

Kids, surely you already know what to do and have followed the instructions carefully.

Let's increase your knowledge so you can better understand the lesson.

Tingog (sound)- any tone we hear from the people, animals and sounds we make such as clapping, tapping/stomping, blowing using parts of our body or those things around us.

Kalihom (silence)- lack of sound (no sound can be heard)

I have prepared a task for you to do to test your skill and knowledge on the subject.

Let's Do This!

Instructions: Sing the song, "Ulo, Abaga" with clapping, tapping, or making sounds using things you can find around your house to make a sound and slowly eliminate the word to make silence. You can ask your parents or siblings to join you in doing this.

"Ulo, Abaga" (you can find the song on YouTube)


Ulo (head) , abaga (shoulders), hawak (waist), dapi-dapi (buttocks), tuhod (knees), tiil (feet) 

Repeat 2x

Answet the questions below by placing a CHECK (/) in one of the blanks.

   Skills Learned                           YES              NO

1. Recognizes sound and

   silence while singing.             _____          ______

2. Follows the beat with

    his body.                                    ______       _______

I hope you had fun with the activities we performed. Singing gives our lives meaning. Let us develop our singing ability, value it and share it with others.


1. Rhythm is one of the elements of music which is formed by combining sound and silence.

2. Sound is any tone or auditory impression we hear. Sounds can come from animals, people and things around us. We can also make sound by clapping, tapping, blowing and so on.

3. Silence is the absence of sound.

Testing What We Have Learned

I.Directions: Write T on the blank if the picture shows sound and K if it shows silence.

II. Directions: Color the picture RED if it shows sound and YELLOW (dalag) if the image shows no sound. 

Congratulations! You have finished our lesson in Module 1. 

**Photo from


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