Grade 1 Araling Panlipunan Module 2: First Quarter 0ct12-16 Week 2 (In English)

First Quarter Module 2

Our Basic Needs

We Will Learn

In our lives, there are basic needs and tools that we need.

What is the first thing you think of if you ask yourself your own needs?

Check out the pictures below.

For what are the pictured inside the box for? Do you have these things?

These pictures show our basic needs.

This teaching, it is expected:

1. That you can express your own needs.

2. Compare basic needs to personal wants and 

3. Describe one's own needs and wants.

Let's Try This!

Put a check on the things you really need and an X if you don't.

Let's Study!

There are things that we need while we are alive. These things are precious not only to ourselves but to our entire family as well.

When it comes to needs, what is the first thing that comes to your mind?

Select the pictures in the box. Rank the pictures based on importance.

Copy the inverted pyramid in your notebook or write the letters of your answer here.

Our basic needs include shelter (house,home), food, and clothing.

Our house (shelter) is the place where the whole family lives. At home, your parents raise you to be a good child and residenta of the barangay.

Eating food ia also important for your health. It will give you energy so you can do youe tasks. You need to eat healthful foods to keep your body strong and healthy.

You also need clothes. This thing will protect your body from the cold and heat. The kind of clothing that one should wear is based on the weather or season. There are clothes you can wear in summer. And there are clothes you can wear when it is cold. It is also better to weae appropriate attire for the occasion or for your task (job).

Included with your basic needs are your own personal belongings like you towel, soap, and toothbrush which help to keep you clean. These things should not be borrowed by others and you should clean these things so that it will not cause you to get sick. Considered also as personal belongings are your school supplies which includes paper, pencil, notebook and others.

You also need medications and extra vitamins. These are especially helpful during the times that you feel unwell.

Each child has their own preferences. At times, we also have our favorite things and food. We have clothes that we really want to weae over and over again. The needs of each child varies.

Other than your favorite things, what are your current desires?

Read the short story below:

Jose is the son of a vegetable seller who lives in Bangkerohan, Davao City. Jose is the eldest of 5 siblings.

Jose is a good child, he helps his parents sell at their store when there is no classes. He wants to finish school so he can help his parents and siblings.

Remember This!

1. Every child has basic needs: house, food and clothing.

2. In addition to basic needs, each child has his/her own needs such as personal belongings, medicines and vitamins, and school supplies.

3. Each child has his/her own preferences such as favorite food, clothing, toys, places, or activities.

4. Aside from that, each child has his/her own aspirations that he/she wants to achieve or fulfill.

5. We must put in the effort so that ever desire can be achieved in the future.

Complete This!

Read the following. Choose the letter of the correct answer from the choices below. Write the letter of your answer on the answer sheet.


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