Grade 1 Health Module 2: First Quarter 0ct12-16 Week 2 (In English)

Proper Nutrition

To The Student

Good day! How are you? Are you ready for our lesson for today? This Health module is on Proper Nutrition.

I hope you will be happy and active in the activities  and tasks of this lesson

Learn This!

This is what you will learn in this module:

1. Identifying foods that are HEALTHFUL and LESS HEALTHFUL.

2. Naming healthful foods.

3. Describing healthful foods.


The foods we eat can be HEALTHFUL or LESS HEALTHFUL. Growing children really need a nutritious diet to grow fast and keep healthy. Many children today are easily attracted to food that is beautifully colored and seen on television but, these foods are often too sweet or too salty.

HEALTHFUL foods are mostly from vegetables and fruits but they can also be obtained from fish, meat, and eggs. These are foods that are high in protein that the body also needs. Seeds/nuts such as peanuts and monggo are also beneficial to keep the body strong.

Let us begin your work. Focus your mind so that it can be completed quickly and easily.

Try This!

This is Delicious!

Directions: Look at the picture then draw your favorite food on the large plate.

Beautiful! Many kids like you also like your favorite food. Do you know if this is good for you?


There are many foods that look delicious but do not benefit your health and may cause you to feel weak. Let's study it carefully.

Directions: Color the healthful foods and mark the less healthful foods with an X.

Answer this:

1. Can you name the healthful foods that you colored? Yes or no?

2. What happens to a child who always eats healthful foods? Healthy or not healthy?

Study This!

Study the poem below. Ask your mom or dad to teach you this.

The foods mentioned in the poem are vegetables, fruits, eggs and milk. These foods are essential for the body. The healthful foods that you recently colored include vegetables like calabasa and broccoli, fruits like bananas and watermelon, foods that make our bodies healthy. Chicken and eggs help children grow fast while seeds/nuts like peanuts are also healthful foods that children should eat everyday. In addition to this, grapefruit and calamansi juice which are rich in Vitamin C, helps strengthen the immune system so children will not get sick while beautifying our skin and hair and strengthening our nails.

Foods like chips and other snacks are too salty while candy, cupcakes, and soda are too sweet. They are less healthful foods and should not be eaten or drunk daily. Eating foods that are too sweet can damage your teeth while eating foods that are too salty can make you sick. These foods are not needed by our body because they are less healthful foods.

Excellent! Now you know what healthful and less healthful foods are.

Do This!

Follow Me!

Directions: Circle the healthful foods. Follownthe fruits and vegetables to continue through the maze.

Remember This!

1. Not all foods are good for the body. Because there are healthful and less healthful foods.

2. Eat healthful foods regularly to stay healthy and strong and to grow fast.

3. Avoid less healthful foods to stay away from illness.

Measuring Our Learning

Directions: I. Color the happy face 🙂 if present in the picture is a healthful food. Place an X on the sad face if it is a less healthful food. 

II. Draw healthful foods on the table below.

Congratulations! You have completed this module. Good job!

Less Healthful Foods

To The Student

Good day! How are you? I know you will be happy to learn our new lesson for module 2. So I urge you to study it. I hope you find the joy of learning and the importance of the lessons that you can apply to your daily life.

We will make your learning meaningful. Happy learning!

Learn This!

Before we begin, I want you to know that we are going to talk about the possible effects of less healthful foods. Improtantly, to achieve the following:

1. Understand the importance of foods that are less healthful to our body.

2. Can choose the result of eating less healthful foods.

Are you ready? Let us start with our lesson. Happy learning!

Try This!

Place an X on the pictures that show food that are less healthful to the body.


Go back to the first activity. Draw and coloe the foods that are less healthful below.

Learn This!

I know you already have an idea about our lesson. Now we will take a closee look at its effects on our health.

The Effects of Less Healthful Foods

Less Healthful Foods- it mentions foods full of calories that you can get from foods that have high sugar content and have artificial coloring. This can be obtained from foods like burgers, soda, chips, french fries, hotdogs etc. These foods can have different effects that you may get while you are still young. One common disease is UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) that you usually get from eating salty foods and if left unchecked can result in damage to your kidneys.

This is just one of the many diseases that you can get if you neglect or overeat food that is less healthful. So be careful in choosing the right foods and think about whether they will make you feel healthy or not.

Do This!

Connect the picture of the foods that made Cardo sick and unhealthy.

Remember This!

• Less healthful foods have damaging effects on our bodies.

• Avoid foods that are less healthful such as soda, candy, chips and other foods that can damage your health and cause illness.

• Everything you do about your health deserves careful consideration so that you do not regret it.

Testing What We Have Learned

Place a sad face in the circle that shows improper diet habits that may lead to bad effects to our health.

Place an X on the pictures show the effects of eating less healthful foods.

You have finished the module! Great job!


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