Grade 1 Music Module 2: First Quarter 0ct12-16 Week 2 (In English)


To the Student

Good morning! How are you today? I know you want to learn a new lesson this morning. So let's start with Module 2 of Music and study the sounds and silence within a rhythmic pattern. I hope that today you will filled with new and important knowledge that will help you. Let's learn and have fun together.

Learn This!

Before we begin, I want to let you know that you will be learning the following in our lesson:

1. Recognizing the symbols for sound and silence.

2. Following rhythmic patterns using a variety of techniques or instruments.

3. Giving importance to rhythm of music.

Are you ready? Now, let's proceed to our lesson.


Every day, we hear different sounds around us. We can hear the sounds from the animals, at home, in the community, at school and everywhere else. How would you feel if there was no such thing as sound?

When we do not hear sound, this is what you call silence. With silence and sound, we can create a rhythm which is a basic/primary musical element.

The combination of sound and silence of music creates a rhythm.

Let's start. I hope you do your best in the following activities.

Try This!

Follow the actions shown in the picture of each symbol and answer the following questions below.


a. What symbols did you see?

b. Draw the symbol for sound.

c. Draw the symbol for silence.

Are you done? How was it? Good. Do not worry about your answers. If you followed correctly, then I think you answered correctly. Let's process what you've learned so you can get a better understanding of our lesson.

Now, let us analyze your answers from your activity. Bear these in mind before you answer the following questions.


Answer the questions. Circle the letter of your answer. 

1. Which of these pictures show silence? 

2  Is rhythm important in music? Why do we need to learn this?

a. Yes, for this is what makes music beautiful.

b. Yes, for me to raise my voice.

c. No, because it is difficult.

I'm sure you already have a little bit of knowledge about our lesson. And now, I want you to focus on what needs to be understood and remembered.

Learn This!

Rhythm (ritmo)- the creation of the combination of sound and silence

Sound (tingog)- what you can hear

Silence (kahilom)- no sound can be heard

The Symbols:

Do This!

Match the pictures with the exact rhythmic pattern. Write the letter of your answer on the blank.

Remember This!

Rhythm- it is the creation of the union of sound and silence

Rhythmic Pattern- this is the combination of sounds that you can hear and sounds that you can not...silence.

Measuring Our Learning

Follow the rhythmic pattern of the song Pan de Sal. While singing, show the rhythmic pattern of sound and silence in any way you want like clapping, stomping, by using sticks, plastic bottles or other things you can find. 

Prepare yourself for our next meeting.

Congratulations! You are done with this module.


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