Grade 1 Music Module 6: First Quarter Nov9-13Week 6(In English)


Grade 1 Music Module 

Week 6, First Quarter

SY 2020-21

Rhythm- Simple Ostinato Pattern in Groupings of 2's

Kat-oni Kini (We Will Learn)

The following are the skills you will learn in this module:

1. Identify/Recognize the ostinato pattern

2. Demonstrate readiness to learn to perform tasks with enthusiasm.

3. Create a simple pattern of ostinato by body movements in groupings in 2's.

Pasiuna (Introduction)

In music, rhythm or the combination of the length and volume of sound and silence is important. These tones and silence, follow a beat/pulse that is a rhythm pattern. 

You can create a simple ostinato pattern by a simple activity such as by clapping your hands, patting your legs, snapping your fingers, stomping your foot. 

Sulayi Kini (Let's Try This)

Body Movement Patterns

Directions: Move to the rhythm using body percussion.

Rhythmic Patterns

Directions: Follow the song using body percussion.

Pagtuki (Let's Analyze)

Let's look back at what you just did.


1. Was the task difficult for you? Why? Check the face for your answer. 🙂- Easy   ☹-Difficult

2. If you can choose, which of the body percussions do you want to use? Why? Check the body percussion you like.


Tun-i Kini ( Let's Study)

Let's focus on a few points to further reflect and clarify.

Creating a Simple Ostinato Pattern

Ostinato- a short pattern repeated throughout the song or rhyme/verse that goes according to the meter of the song.

Creating a simple ostinato pattern- you can make/perform a simple ostinato pattern through body percussion such as clapping hands, patting the legs, snapping the fingers, and stomping the foot.

Buhata Kini (Do This)

Write inside the box the selected body percussion and perform the movements. Remember the REST will take up 1 beat but no action should be made.

Hinumdumi Kini (Remember This)

Creating a Simple Ostinato Pattern

1. Ostinato- a short pattern repeated throughout the song or rhyme/verse that goes according to the meter of thr song.

2. Creating a simple ostinato pattern- you can create a simple ostinato pattern through body perscussion such as clapping your hands, patting your legs, snapping your fingers, and stomping your feet.

Pagsusuri (Examine)


1. Choose a body percussion for each task.

2. Write shape of the selected body percussion inside the box.

3. Perform the ostinato movements you created for each task.

Answer key:


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