Grade 1 Physical Education Module 2: Second Quarter Jan 29- Feb5 Week 3(In English)


Physical Education 1, Module 2

Second Quarter, Jan 29- Feb 5

Space Awareness (Pagsinati sa Lugar)

For the Student (Alang sa Tinun-an)

Good day to you! The second module of PE1 discusses the activity space or area so you can be prepared on recognizing the space where you can move to do your various activities.

This module will you happiness and knowledge. Through this lesson, I hope you will learn something. God Bless!

Pg. 1


Space Awareness

Look at the pictures in each box. Can you follow? Now, let's follow the locomotor actions.

Bending to the ground (pagduko)

Stretching (pag-unat)

Twisting (paglubag)

Bending left or right (pagbawog sa wala o tuo)

Swaying (paglabyog)

Rotate/Turning/Twirling downwards and upwards (pagtuyok paubos ug pataas)

These actions are what you call axial or non-locomotor. Now, look at the picture below. What can you say regarding the actions of the children?

Pg. 2

• How many are walking?

• How many are running?

• How many are jumping?

What you see or have identified  are just one of the locomotor actions you will experience in the entire space near you, this is general space.

Do this (Buhata Kini)

Do the locomotor actions in the correct way.

1. Walk.

2. Jump.

3. Hop.

4. Skip.

5. Jump high.

Pg. 3


Based on the pictures above, what did you feel when you did these locomotor actions?  Why?

Let's Try This (Sulayi Kini)

Activity: No Bumping.

Procedure: Do the activity without bumping

1st Challenge: Invite your sibling or friend near you to play with you. Line up and distance yourself from each other by lining up with your arms outstretched so you won't bump into each other. Do the following locomotor actions. You can do these inside or outside which has a bigger space.

Pg. 4

a. Walk

b. Run

c. Hop on 1 leg

d. Light jump in any direction

e. Moderate jump in any direction

f. High/strong jump in any direction

2nd Challenge: Walk straight, curved, and criss-cross long, medium and short lanes.

Question: What did you feel while doing the challenges? Why?

Pg. 5

Ley us Learn (Tun-I Kini)

General space is a big space that is free from obstacles that you can use to do locomotor actions. You can use a room near you, gymnasium or an outside space.

Locomotor actions can be done in a big space or a general space. Your general space can be a place inside or a space big/wide enough for your body to do these actions. Walking, running, hopping on one leg, jumping, sliding, leaping, or skipping.

Performance task:

Discover or look for a space that can be your general space. Perform the various locomotor actions and also do twirling and curving. You can play some music as you do the actions. 

1. Perform the actions in that space even twirling and curving.

Pg. 6

Remember This: (Hinumsumi Kini)

This is what general space means:

1. This is a space big and wide enough that is free from obstacles that you can do locomotor actions.

2. You can use a room, gymnasium, or outside.

3. There are locomotor actions that need a big space.

Pg. 7

Testing what we have learned (Pagsukod sa Nakat-onan)

Directions: Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Going through a rotunda.

2. Passing through a bridge.

3. Avoiding the obstacles.


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