Grade 1 ESP Module 3: First Quarter 0ct19-23 Week 3 (In English)

Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (Human Values)

For the Health of the Body, Avoid Bad Habits!

Learning: Identify Various Activities that may be Detrimental or Beneficial to our Health

Things to do

Physical health affects are daily activities. It is important to take care of it for a better future. This lesson will introduce and describe activities that can do great harm and damage to the body to a child like you.

Know This

Compare the pictures of the siblings Sam and Mila. What can you say about the picture? Can you tell the difference in what they are eating?

To Better Understand

Identify the statements if they are beneficial or harmful to the body.

1. Playing amidst the heat of the sun.

2. I eat healthful foods to keep my body healthy and strong.

3. I always wash my hands before and after eating.

4. I watch TV shows until midnight.

5. I wear clean clothes every day.

To Sharpen Your Skills

Identify the images. Put a check on the pictures if it is good for the health of the body and X if it is harmful.

Things to Keep in Mind

Achieve good health by choosing healthful foods. Vigilance and following the advice of teachers and parents are helpful in maintaining good health.


Learning: It is said that Proper Self-Care helps to Develop One's Own Abilities

Things To Do

As a child, it is important to take care of yourself because HEALTH IS WEALTH and is something that should be valued.

Hibaloi Kini (Know This)

Look at what the pictures are showing and answer the questions:

1. What are the children doing in the pictures?

2. In your opinion, does it improve your health? Why?

Para Mahimong Maayo (To Better Understand)

Buluhaton 1 (Activity 1)

Answer the questions about the following pictures. Say your answer.

1. Do you eat fruit and vegetables? Why? 

2. Do you go to sleep at the right time? Why?

3. Do you take a bath every day? Why?

4. (Look at picture 4) Do you do this? Why?

Buluhaton 2 (Activity 2)

Choose which of the two pictures show proper self-care. Tell why you chose the picture. Start your response with the statement "My chosen image is the..." because....

Buluhaton 3 (Activity 3) 

Do this: 

1. Look for a picture in a magazine or newspaper that shows physical cleanliness or hygiene.

2. Cut the picture out of the magazine or newspaper.

3. Paste the picture inside the box.

Para Mahanas (To Master)

Answer the following questions:

1. What do you do to take care of yourself?

2. Why is it important that we take care of ourselves?

3. Does providing proper care for yourself helo your unique abilities? Why? 


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