Grade 1 Health Module 4: First Quarter 0ct26-30 Week 4 SY 2020-21(In English)


Health 1 

Good/Proper Eating Habits

Module 4, Week 4 

Kat-oni Kini (Let's Learn This)

Before we begin, I want you to understand and expand your knowledge on good eating habits:

1. Recognizing good eating habits.

2. Show good manners when eating.

Pasiuna (Introduction)

Lesson 1: Proper Eating Habits

Nowadays, there are so many different types of food that we find around us that sometimes we can no longer distinguish the right way to eat so that we can be in good health especially in this day and age when many diseases have come out.

Proper eating habits help us to do many things on a daily basis. We are responsible for our body so we must know the right ways to keep us away from diseases because it is said that "HEALTH IS WEALTH".

Sulayin kini (Let's Try This)

Let's color. Here are some food. Color the pictures that show food that is good for our bodies.

Pagtuki (Analysis)

Guiding question:

1. Look at the pictures below. Which shows proper manners before eating? Place a check on the picture of your answer.

Tun-i Kini (Study This)

Proper/Good Eating Habits

1. Eat at the right time. -this means that we should eat 3 meals a day: breakfast, lunch, amd dinner.

2. Choose foods that are nutritious for the body such as vegetables, fruits, meat, drinking milk and water.

3. Wash your hands before and after eating with soap and clean water.

4. Chew your food properly.

Buhata Kini (Do This)

Let's Match!

Here are some good eating habits. Match it to the picture it represents.

1. Drink lots of water.

2. Eat nutritious food ever day.

3. Wash your hands before eating.

4. Chew your food properly.

Hinumdumi Kini (Remember This)

Good Eating Habits

1. Eat at the right time. This means 3x a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner.

2. Choose nutritious foods such as fruits, veggies, meat, and drink milk and water.

3. Wash your hands before and after eating.

4. Chew your food properly.

5. You need to drink 8 glasses of water each day.

Pagsukof sa Nakat-onan (Testing What You Have Learned)

I. Look at the pictures. Write a ☆ if the picture shows what the statement is showing, if not write an X.

1. Eat nutritious foods.

2. Chips and coke are good for the body.

3. Wash your hands before eating.

4. Eat chips often.

5. Chew your food properly.



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