Grade 1 Music Module 7: First Quarter Nov23-27Week 8(In English)

Music Grade 1, Module 7

Week 8, First Quarter

SY 2020-2021


Kat-oni Kini (We Will Learm)

To make our study more colorful, these are the objectives you need you need to know after the lesson:

1. Identifying the ostinato pattern.

2. Recounting images of ostinato accompanied by physical enthusiasm.

3. Following the ostinato pattern to produce a simple song.

Pasiuna (Introduction)

At home our parents are the ones who give us good discipline so that we can be good people in the community. Most especially one person, our Mother. Sometimes, with their repeated reminders and warnings, it is what brings us to a better future. Let us consider, if our parents do not repeat or warn us, can we remember those warnings?

What we will talk about in this module, Ostinato, exists in a repetitive pattern in a songin a way that it can (in itself) create a simple song.

Sulayi Kini (Let's Try This)

Body Movement Patterns

Instructions: Let's group ourselves into 3. We can invite our friends at home. Each group should follow the actions shown and read the words.

Pagtuki (Let's Analyze)

Let's reflect on what you did a while ago. I am sure you know a little about the activity.


1. What did you feel about what you did?

a. Bored, no enthusiam.

b. Happy and active in following the tasks.

c. Not sure

2. Did you notice a pattern in the actions? What did you notice?

a. I noticed that our actions were repetitive.

b. I noticed the actions are useless.

c. I didn't notice anything.

Tun-i Kini (Let's Study This)

Let's focus ourselves, understand, and remember this.

Creating a Simple Ostinato Pattern

Ostinato- a pattern that repeats in a meter/measure/verse in music or rhythm.

Rhythm Mold/Measure- measures with notes designed to form a pattern according to a song.

Creating a Simple Ostinato Pattern- this is a simple ostinato pattern of actions through body percussion such as stomping, clapping, patting your legs, or snapping your fingers.

Buhata Kini (Do This)

Directions: Create your own simple ostinato using the words and actions below. Write the word below each note.

Hinumdumi Kini (Remember This)

Creating a Simple Ostinato Pattern

Ostinato- a pattern that repeats in a meter/measure/verse in music or rhythm.

Rhythm Mold/Measure- measures with notes designed to form a pattern according to a song.

Creating a Simple Ostinato Pattern- this is a simple ostinato pattern of actions through body percussion such as stomping, clapping, patting your legs, or snapping your fingers.

Pagsukod sa Nakat-onan (Testing What We've Learned)


● Make your own ostinato pattern.

● Choose among the body percussion seen below.

● Cut and paste the pictures in the box so you can create a simple ostinato.


Kat-oni Kini (We Will Learn)

In this module, we will learn:

1. Describe the counting of a 4-time meter.

2. Value the percussion musical instruments through playing.

3. Creates simple ostinato patterns in groupings of 4s through body movement.

Pasiuna (Introduction)

When you were born from the womb of your mother, the first voice or cry they heard from you gave them great joy.

Did you knoe that even a child crying can be turned into a musical rhythm? 

The beats form a rhythm, and rhythm done repeatedly while playing or singing is called an ostinato.

This is an example of a simple ostinato pattern in groupings of 4s using different body movements that follow the rhythm like this.

And these are percussion instruments:
tambol- drums     tamburin-tambourine     batinting- triangle     pompiyang-cymbals      markas-maracas

Sulayi Kini (Try This)

Title: Can you identify it?

Directions: The pictures you see below are percussion instruments. Place a check on the small line on the side if the picture spans 4 groups. Place an x if not.

Pagtuki ( Let's Analyze)

You will have a better understanding by answering the questions below.


1. What does Ostinato mean? 

a. Repetitive rhythm sung or played.

b. A rhythm that is not simulatneous with the song.

2. Why do we call clapping, patting, snapping, or stomping body percussion?

a. Because this is the way to make a sound.

b. Because this is the way we can make our voices beautiful.

Tun-i Kini (Let's Study)

A 4-time meter means there are four beats in one measure, just like the clapping of this rhythm.

Rhythm is the combination of sound and silence in a piece or song like the clapping of this rhythm.

Body Perscussion (such as clapping, patting, snapping or stomping) is a way we can give or make sound.

Rhythm that is repetitive which is played or sung is called Ostinato, like the simultaneous movements of the four children following this rhythm....

And musical instruments such as drums, tambourine, cymbals, trinagle, and maracas which are called musical instruments; they are used to make music.

Hinumdumi Kini (Remember This)

Ostinato- a repetitive rhythm that is played or sung

Ritmo- combination of sound and silence in a piece or song

Body Percussion- can give or make sound.

Percussion Instrument- these are musical instruments like drums, tambourine, triangle, cymbals, maracas etc.


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